February 15th, 2015 ~ by admin

MCS-85 and Zilog Z80 Expansion Boards

Z80 Expansion Board

Z80 Expansion Board

Now available at The CPU Shack are the Z80 and i8085 Expansion boards for the MCS-80 test boards.  The i8085 and Z80 expansion tools allow the MCS-80 test-board to test the function of Intel 8085 (and compatible) or Z80 (and compatible) CPUs. The test tools are connected via the ZIF socket for the i8080 CPU and into the 3×16 pin header connectors of the MCS-80 test-board. There is no need to modify or replace anything on MCS-80 test-board.

This is possible because both the Z80 and i8085 CPUs are based on the Intel 8080 processor.  The 8085 is nearly the same as the 8080 from a software point of view, Intel just greatly simplified the hardware required to support it.

They are currently available for $29.95 each shipped.

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