998x > TITMS9981JDL-2
Modified: May 23, 2005, 6:23 pm
Manufacturer:Texas Instruments
Speed:3 Mhz
Type:TMS 9900
Data Code:8240
Package:40CDIP w/ Gold Lid
Architecture:16 bit
Used in:TI 99/4 and other systems
Description:The TMS9900 COU was the first 16-bit
microprocessor that could effectively
compete in the computer market. In
fact the TMS9900 is a single chip
implementation of the TM Seiries 990
minicomputer CPUs.

The 9900 has a seperate 16 bit address
bus and a 16 bit data bus in a 64 pin

The 9980 has an 8 bit data bus and
14 bit addressbus but is otherwise
the same.

The 9940 is a one-chip solution with
onboard memory and real-time clock

This is the Programmabel System Interface for the 9980.